Yet another chapter comes to a close, but what a sunset it sent me off in this evening! Unfortunately you will suffer or enjoy hopefully a glut of photos when some bright spark downloads them for me.
I am now, along with all my other talents, a virtual surfer like I am a virtual tennis pro during Wimbledon and Roland Garros. I know all the moves and when to catch the wave and twist and turn but they won't listen to me and then fall! I have seen nothing but blue skies and sun since I arrived in Mexico which is quite unusual for this time of the year but today, this evening there is a change and I think they are missing me already. I even had a seal dance attendance on me during the day, it was very funny as if he/she was putting on a special performance just for me!
For those of you lucky enough to savout my gastronomic talents I now make a very mean Salsa and Limes are what it is all about and very good in beverages as well! So you never know your luck?!
It has been a wonderful sojourn and for you book worms go and treat yourselves to 'On Mexican Time' by Tony Cohan and read it slowly to savour the nuances and beautiful descriptions or read it twice, as I am doing, it is a charming journey through Mexican life.
Now the Big Apple awaits and I'm not sure if it is ready for this free spirit but I intend to make an impression! Goodbye Ensenada and Hello New York!
I am now, along with all my other talents, a virtual surfer like I am a virtual tennis pro during Wimbledon and Roland Garros. I know all the moves and when to catch the wave and twist and turn but they won't listen to me and then fall! I have seen nothing but blue skies and sun since I arrived in Mexico which is quite unusual for this time of the year but today, this evening there is a change and I think they are missing me already. I even had a seal dance attendance on me during the day, it was very funny as if he/she was putting on a special performance just for me!
For those of you lucky enough to savout my gastronomic talents I now make a very mean Salsa and Limes are what it is all about and very good in beverages as well! So you never know your luck?!
It has been a wonderful sojourn and for you book worms go and treat yourselves to 'On Mexican Time' by Tony Cohan and read it slowly to savour the nuances and beautiful descriptions or read it twice, as I am doing, it is a charming journey through Mexican life.
Now the Big Apple awaits and I'm not sure if it is ready for this free spirit but I intend to make an impression! Goodbye Ensenada and Hello New York!
oh this sound wonderful i wish i could enjoy it too! glad you are having a great time won't be the same by the time you come back!! so make the most of it!!!